Easter holidays are coming up so I am busying away trying to get some more stock for a stall at the Retro Markets. I’m going to be selling some Vintage and Retro clothing as well as some hand made good and refashioned accessories. But before I can fully immerse myself in my stall I have a great deal of home work to do first. Boo! But if you are in Perth on the 11th of April come to the Burlesque lounge and say hello.
Besides from this I haven’t been up to a great deal. Finished working on Cabaret (hopefully I’ll have some photos to show soon) last week and have now moved on to Dance. The dance piece I am working most closely with is call “We’re all looking for love, Dear.” It’s a ballet with a 60’s feel and soft pastel pallet. Very cute but I am a little worried about the vintage dresses.
For any Perthies that read my blog there is a new Vintage/Retro clothing store that just opened near my work in Wembley called ‘Blue Bird Vintage’. I just popped in before work today and picked up a wonderful 80’s dose 50’s blue and white polka dot dress for $25. Everything is really reasonable prices so get in quick! It’s also right next door to Russell’s Antiques which is always good for a look around.