I’ve been a bit busy as off late with uni, work and doing costume for a production of Macbeth in my free time. There’s so much that I am working on that I can’t wait to share with you (a straw boater, 18th century pocket panniers, a cage crinoline and hopeful some 50’s dresses for myself). But until then, I thought I would introduce to you some friends of mine who are new to the world of blogging.

Emma at ~ What’s My Scene ~
Emma is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She is always so much fun to be around and always full of adventure. Emma is a part time Gothic Lolita, part time Vintage Starlet and part time Bogan all rolled into one wonderful package.
Emma is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. She is always so much fun to be around and always full of adventure. Emma is a part time Gothic Lolita, part time Vintage Starlet and part time Bogan all rolled into one wonderful package.

Alexandra is a most talented sewer and a great problem solver. She is also terribly kind and will never leave you out in the cold when you need help. She is a terrific dancer and has the most amazing ideas (have a look at her pictures of her burlesque graduation).