Monday, November 9, 2009

Summer Dress

Hello, there!

My name is Vivian V. Dimples and I am a full time student at West Australian Academe of Preforming Arts (WAAPA for short) studding Costume.  I have been following other peoples blogs for a while now and reading about their lives. I don't really have a
 very exciting life but I would like to share it as others have shared their lives with me. 

For the last week or so I have been working on a summer dress because it is getting quite hot down this side of the world. Sometimes I would work on it sneakily when the teachers are not looking but mostly just on my lunch break or after uni. 

I have gotten to the stage of hemming and binding but I am so eager to make my first post I took some photos today. 

I still need to hem the skirt and I think I will bring the drape up to the hem length. It's just not graceful having people tread on your dress. 

Hope you enjoyed,